Guideline for Doujin and Secondary Usage
We have created a guideline for influencers and game reviews so what to used footage from games owned by City Connection so that our titles can be enjoyed by our fans.
As long as you follow the guidelines below, influencers and game reviewers can use screenshots, footage, music, game enviroments, and characters from our catalogue.
View a list of titles from our collection.
City Connection reserves the right to promote your work on SNS platforms such as Twitter, facebook and channel.
■Terms of usage
Individual or group does not belong to a corporate business
If you are part of a corporae business, group, or fall outside of the guideline, please cotact us by filling out the JALECO License Catalog form on our website.
Items will not be for commercial use
There are cases where we will allow the sale of some items but we have to determine that the creator made it for recreational purposes.
If you have any questions about the guidelines or you are not clear, please contact us through our website.
Any distribution and sales materal must have
©CITY CONNECTION Reuse of material is strickly prohibited.
If it is physically not possible to display the verbiage above.
■Rules of secondary usage
Content below are strickly prohibited
City Connection is not responsible for any damage of liability that may occur from the secondary usage
■Secondary Useage title list